Stand Up to PG&E's Attack on Marriage!
Businesses, churches and nonprofit organizations in Northern and Central California that are currently PG&E customers can switch to a new natural gas supplier.
Since 1997, when California's natural gas supply was deregulated, energy companies such as Tiger Natural Gas are allowed to challenge the mammoth public utilities, such as Pacific Gas & Electric, for natural gas customers like you.
This page is for businesses, churches, organizations, owners of apartment complexes, and any other non-residential property. To switch natural gas suppliers for your primary residence, whether you own or rent, click here.
Tiger Natural Gas has a proven track record of helping businesses and organizations lower their energy costs. Business owners, pastors, school administrators, and organizational leaders can start the process today of switching from PG&E's rate to the lower rates of Tiger Natural Gas.
> View the map of PG&E's territory (all the shaded areas are PG&E customers)
> View the areas served by Tiger Natural Gas
Estimated Annual Savings for Commercial Accounts as Compared to PG&E: 6% - 12%
Switch from PG&E to Tiger Natural Gas: 2 easy steps
STEP 1. Download and print this form. This Usage Request Form authorizes Tiger Natural Gas to access your PG&E records and provide you with the best quote for service.
Tiger Natural Gas says: "In order to create the Cost Savings Analysis, we must first get your historical usage. To get your usage to us, fill out the Usage Request Form. Instructions for filling out the form are at the bottom of the page. Once we receive your historical usage we will send you a Cost Savings Analysis that shows you how much you could expect to save by switching to Tiger.
"We have already checked the boxes needed for us to be able to receive your usage history one time. When filling out the form. please check your utility at the top and fill out the top portion of the first page, including your name, service address, and your account number, etc. On the second page, please sign, date and include your telephone number. Do not hesitate to contact us if you need any help."
STEP 2. Send the completed form to Tiger through one of three ways:
"Tiger Natural Gas is only the preferred supplier for this program and does not take a stance on this or any other political issue. By switching to Tiger you can rest assured that your money will not directly or indirectly go to supporting any political agenda."